Auto Loan Affiliate Program

Auto Loan Affiliate Program: FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Auto Credit Express Affiliate Program?
The Affiliate Program allows you to refer your visitors to Auto Credit Express. By placing an Auto Credit Express link on your website, you'll provide your visitors with instant access to our products and services. Whenever one of your visitors becomes a qualified lead, you get a referral fee from Auto Credit Express.

Why is Auto Credit Express different than other loan affiliates?
Conversion! Auto Credit Express has a team of conversion specialists that monitor and test conversion for affiliates and the landing pages they are using. Your affiliate representative will communicate which landing pages are working the best on your site, while working with the conversion team to get you the best possible conversion. You are also given the option for customizable creative that will enhance the consumers experience and optimize the traffic you drive to our form. Auto Credit Express offers many other benefits as well; see our program details for more information.

Can anyone join the program? What are the qualifications?
For starters, you'll need a website that meets the basic requirements set by Auto Credit Express. After passing review, you will be contacted by your affiliate representative, who will give you the tools and support you need to maximize sales through your site. Your only responsibility will be to use the specially designed banners and links provided by Auto Credit Express.

Why should I join the program?
First, you can make money with little effort on your part. Auto Credit Express handles everything, including the tracking of referrals, so you always get credit. In addition, becoming an Affiliate also allows you to add value to your site by offering your visitors more reasons to keep coming back.

How do I get started?
It's simple. Just complete the Sign Up form. Auto Credit Express will contact you to let you know if you've been approved. After that, Auto Credit Express provides everything you need to get started.

Will it cost me anything to join?
No. Just add the links and creative to your site and you're on your way.

How much can I earn as an Affiliate?
Earnings will vary considerably from site to site because of many factors, such as how much traffic your site gets daily and what type of site you operate. For example, a high-traffic public information site would most likely generate more referrals than a fan site for a rock band. Obviously, it's important to consider what type of visitors your site attracts before becoming an affiliate.

How do I track the traffic I send to Auto Credit Express Affiliates?
Once you become an Affiliate, Auto Credit Express will provide you with online access to our Affiliate Portal where you will be able to see conversion stats, creative and reporting for your referral traffic. The reports will provide information on landing page conversions, geotargeting info, and more.

Are there any penalties for terminating the relationship?
No. If you decide to terminate your relationship, you will need to notify Auto Credit Express.

Do I create my own links and banners?
No. Auto Credit Express will provide you with the login to our Affiliate Portal, which will have all of the needed links and creative. It is important that you use the creative and links from the portal, to ensure proper attribution to your account for your referrals.

Do I have to do anything other than set up the links?
No. Once you've set up the links, Auto Credit Express does everything else from start to finish.

What about traffic reporting and payment?
When you login to your account through the Affiliate Portal, you'll be able to access traffic and conversion reports that are updated in real time. At the end of each month, you'll receive a check for the total amount you've earned in the previous month for qualified leads. It doesn't get much easier than that.

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as of 07/27/2024