Applying for a loan when you're not financially fit can be stressful enough. However, when you add bankruptcy to the mix it can be more than some people can handle. Whether you've filed a Ch. 7 or a Ch. 13 bankruptcy, the first step to your car buying process will start with your 341 meeting. After that, you'll find that Auto Credit Express has some of the best dealers in your area for you to turn to when it comes to poor credit auto loans such as bankruptcy cases.

How To Get a Bankruptcy Auto Loan

For the process of both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, you will have to wait 21 to 50 days after you file for your 341 Meeting. In this meeting, your creditors will hear you out and decide whether or not you can afford your debt.

Afterwards, turn to Auto Credit Express. You should complete our hassle-free auto finance application as soon as possible. Once we receive your application, we'll set up a time for you to meet with one of the best dealers in your area.

It's important to realize that not just any dealer can help you. Likely if you walk into a dealership without doing research you'll be turned away. This is because they do not have the lenders that are experienced to help you in the bad times.

Things to Consider Before Meeting the Dealer

Even though our dealers are more equipped to help you, there is still some planning that needs to be done. With either Ch. 7 or Ch. 13 bankruptcy, you need to know what you can afford monthly to prevent yourself from spreading your finances too thin. For those who filed a Ch. 13, you'll also have to have your account trustee's approval before any dealer can help you.

Something else you may want to consider is a down payment. Cash may be tight right now for you, but even a small down payment of $500 could show lenders that you mean business. If you simply cannot afford a down payment at this moment, then find a responsible friend or family member co-sign for you.

As We See It

The process for applying for an auto loan with bankruptcy has never been easier than it has been with Auto Credit Express. We'll get you to the people who not only can help you but also care about the outcome. Far too often, lenders forget that we are all human and we all have bad times. However, that doesn't change the fact that you still need a dependable vehicle. So visit the people who care and will help you to the best of their ability. It only takes a few moments to apply today and you'll hear from us soon!