A credit repair company can be a big help when you don't have the time to spend pouring over your credit reports to fix mistakes yourself. A credit repair company can save you time, but it costs you.

Consider a Credit Repair Company When …

… you can’t do it yourself. However, you can do most credit repair yourself – the difference is that it's free when you do it.

When to Consider a Credit Repair CompanyHere are a few instances when a credit repair company might be worth it:

  • You've been a victim of identity theft. Identity theft can really do a number on your credit reports. This is not something that should be taken lightly or something that can often be resolved yourself. If you find errors on your credit reports that you don't recognize, it may be worth it to have a credit repair company dig into the issue for you. They can do all the work it takes to resolve these issues and get false information off your reports.
  • Your credit reports are all over the map. If your credit reports aren't a consistent list of open and closed accounts, but instead a jumble of info that needs to be picked through with a fine-toothed comb, a credit repair company may be the way to go.
  • Multiple errors crop up at once. If you notice errors that shouldn't be on your reports, but you don't have the time to tackle them yourself, a credit repair company can often save you time by getting to the bottom of the issues for you.

If you think that a credit repair company is the way to go, we've got you covered with our trusted partners. By working with a credit repair company, you typically pay for the service, and then they work to resolve your issues.

You can't just pay someone to raise your credit score – you have to put in the work to remove legitimate issues and negative accounts from your credit reports, and our partners can save you time by doing the legwork for you.

When to Repair it Yourself

On the other hand, if it's just an error or two, you can fix them yourself by disputing errors with the reporting company that's got it wrong. Disputes can be filed online with all three major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax.

If you're not sure about what's actually on your credit reports, now’s the time to look. You can get your credit reports for free from all three bureaus once a week until April 2022 by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com.

Credit repair doesn't have to be difficult, but it does take time. Each dispute has 30 days for a credit bureau to investigate your case. If they deem the charge or error to be incorrect, it's removed, but you aren't likely to see the change until another 30 days pass. If the credit bureau doesn't contact you in 30 days, your dispute is automatically granted in most cases.

Need Another Way to Raise Your Score?

Cleaning up your credit reports can be a great way to start raising your credit score, but it's only one way to do it. There are a few basic things a borrower can do to improve their credit score including paying all your bills on time, and watching how much you spend. Don't take on loans willy-nilly, but know that new lines of credit can help – especially if you take on a car loan.

An auto loan is an excellent way to improve your credit because it hits the mark on many levels. Taking on new credit gives you an opportunity to make timely payments for a long time, which is the easiest way to improve your credit score. It also makes it easier to get a car loan next time around if you take care to repay your current loan and don't have any big issues that lead to repossession.

If a car loan sounds like just what you need to get on the road and repair your credit, we want to help. At Auto Credit Express we've cultivated a coast-to-coast network of special finance dealerships that are signed up with the subprime lenders to help in many challenging credit situations. Don't hesitate, simply fill out our free auto loan request form to get started now.