Car Buying

Why Are Cars So Hard To Find? Why Are Cars So Hard To Find?

Anyone who is currently in the market for a car has probably noticed the lack of choices at some dealerships, causing them to ask the same question: why cars are hard to find at the moment? There are a few reasons why getting a car may be difficult for the foreseeable future, and why it can be even more difficult if you’re a shopper with bad credit. But first, let’s look at why this inventory shortage is occurring in 2022.

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When Do Tax Refunds Come Out? When Do Tax Refunds Come Out?

The Internal Revenue Service has announced the official start of the U.S. tax season, January 24th, 2022, as the date they begin accepting returns. However, when your tax refund will go out may depend on a few different factors. Here's what to expect if you're a car buyer looking to use your refund toward a down payment.

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